
Golega feira nacional cavalo
13 Oct

Golegã - The National Horse Fair

A National Horse Fair, also known as Golegã Fair or S. Martinho Fair, takes place annually at the town of Golegã, in the heart of Portugal, in the heart of Ribatejo, between the Tejo and Almonda rivers.

From 1833 onwards, and with the support given by the Marquês de Pombal, the fair began to take on an important competitive nature, with equestrian competitions and various race competitions.

Golegã has long since become the Horse Capital. The day of São Martinho de Feira, which was, traditionally, the 11th of November, has become the most beautiful and the only public equestrian show that takes place free of charge among us.

Take advantage of your stay to visit Golegã (just 30 minutes from Tacoaria) and the National Horse Fair and thus discover a beautiful region and a tradition so representative of Portuguese culture!

And we leave one more suggestion: why not take advantage of the trip and make a stop in the city of Tomar and get to know the Convento de Cristo! It would certainly be a very well spent day!